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Makin' it through the Weak Days part 3

Writer: Loretta Parker SpiveyLoretta Parker Spivey

Why is it that when life goes left, the first thing we often do is withdraw from God?


Stay home from church

Skip our devotional time

Seek emotional or physical pain relief from sources outside of God

Isolate ourselves from friends

Each of the above bullet points is a blog post unto itself, but today, i'll suppress my ADD tendencies and stay on track.

*Fam! We all have Weak Days. That's an inextricable part of life on planet earth. The Bible leaves no room for doubt. Jesus said, “I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.” John 16:33 NCV

When i was growing up, there were some people in my life that i really admired. Some of them knew it. Beverly Moore and Dorothy Lewis were next to God in my book. i watched them constantly. How they moved in church, how they handled conflict, how they used their gifts and talents for God. To this day, i thank God for their influence in my life.

There was a group of girls. They were about 4 years older than me, but they seemed so grown up. Anita, Debra, Denise, Flo, and Rhonda. Those girls were all i wanted to be. They were pretty, talented and smart. They have no idea that i used to place myself on the school bus so that i could listen to what they were saying. Not because i wanted to know their 'business' (well, maybe a little), but mostly because they were funny and smart and they 'knew stuff', i figured when i encountered the same issues i'd have a head start because i learned from them.

Where am i going with this walk down memory lane? Stay with the preachers say, i promise I'm going somewhere......

i watched

and studied

and imitated

and learned

and wanted to be in the presence of people i thought could help me to navigate life.

i admired and respected and maybe even placed them on a pedestal. Honestly, i still admire them. i read their FB posts about marriage, family, politics and life. i pay attention to what they say. Maybe not with the same wide eyed wonder of an emerging teenager, but still their opinions are important to me.

And now, after meandering through the countryside, we arrive at the point.

These days, as i ride the proverbial bus of life i seek to sit next to Jesus who "knows stuff." i seek to be in his presence because He has the information that can help me to navigate life. i jostle to get near Him because He can help me through the weak days. And not only that, His presence is precious.

Just being near Him gives me a sense of belonging, a sense of it's going to be okay. His presence IS my present. And when i stay long enough to stop looking for "the answer" something special happens. It's called. Worship. True, unadulterated, unfettered, unchoreographed. Worship.

Makin' it through the Weak Days

Principle #2

Enter the Presence of God


What do the photographs of feet have to do with entering the presence of God?


Every photograph was taken during worship at a church. Every dusty, bare or nearly bare foot had a story. Every foot, weak in itself and possibly carrying a body that was experiencing weak days still walked into and sought to experience the presence of God.

i wrote today's blog for ONE purpose. To give you hope for for your weak days. i'm literally moved to tears at this moment as i sit in his presence, experiencing Him and sharing with you.

Take a moment, jostle to sit next to Him. Take in every word. He knows stuff....

Go to the LORD for help, and worship him continually.

(1 Chronicles 16:11)


1 Comment

Carol Eichner
Carol Eichner
Jan 28, 2019

Thank you. I never tire if being reminded to "jostle and sit next to Him." Also, thank you for your reminder to go to Him and not to other things when I am weak. The photos are incredible and make me want to hear their stories.


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